The OpenOwl MIDI Piano is a virtual instrument for Second Life that plays MIDI files directly in-world. It lets
share the music they create without needing to upload sounds. You can compose a song in your favorite MIDI
convert it into the MIDINote format, and play it using the piano for your friends.
Endless Musical Possibilities
There are endless compositions that can spring from your creativity. The OpenOwl MIDI Piano also lets you play
favorite piano music in a shared environment. Whether it's calming piano for sleep, classical music for museums,
ambient soundscapes for meditation, the possibilities are limitless.
The V4 piano is no-copy, transfer. The V5 piano is copy, no-transfer. Only
the V5 piano can play shareable
MIDINotes uploaded by others, and it loads songs 2x as fast.
What's the difference between MIDI and MIDINote?
No. MIDI is the standard file format used for sharing digital music. MIDINote is the custom format
for SL
notecards developed by MIRAI TECH.
Is there support for other instruments?
Yes! New instruments are actively being developed to read and play the MIDINote format. Stay tuned to our
Discord for updates or send in instrument suggestions!
Do I have to pay to upload MIDINotes?
Nope! You can upload unlimited personal-use MIDINotes for your piano for free. You'll only
need a MIDINote
Premium subscription if you want others to play your MIDINotes.
Can I play MIDINotes uploaded by others?
Yes! As long as the MIDINotes are shareable
MIDINotes, you can play them without a subscription.
How do I make MIDI music?
There are many MIDI software options that allow you to enter musical notes into your computer. You can
even input notes
directly from a piano keyboard!
Still Need Help?
If you have questions or need assistance, our support team is here for you. Just reach out through our Discord.
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