Using Your Piano

Below are some topics related to using your piano. Feel free to skip them if you're already familiar with the piano, and refer back to them later if you have any questions.

How Many Songs?

The piano has a memory limit, which means there is a cap to the number of songs you can store. The limit is shown in the form of bytes after each upload. Make sure there are still bytes remaining after each upload to prevent song corruption.

Removing a Song

To remove a song, delete the song's notecard from the piano's object inventory. You can remove multiple songs at once. Once the notecard is deleted, it will also free up the piano's memory.

Setting Playback Speed

In the piano menu, click on the "Speed" button. In the speed text box, you can enter any speed greater than 0 and less than 10. For example, if you want the song to play twice as fast, type 2 in the text box.

Playback Menu

The advanced MIDI Piano allows you to stop playback during the middle of a song. Click "Stop" to stop playing and return to the start of the song.

Giving Others Menu Access

To allow others access to the piano controls, click "Unlock" in the piano menu. This enables others to control playback, but they won't be able to lock the piano or add notecards.

Improving Playback Quality

You may notice small hiccups during playback when you first play the song. It is recommended to play the song halfway and then restart playback for smoother music.

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